School UniforM


All items which bear the school logo are available from


The governors have adopted the following uniform code.

Autumn / Winter Uniform (from October half term to Easter):

White shirt and maroon tie with maroon v necked jumper or cardigan. Grey or black trousers or shorts. Grey skirt or pinafore dress. Grey, black or white socks or tights. Black shoes with low or no heel. Maroon, white, or black hair accessories

Summer Uniform (From Easter to October half term):
White polo shirt (without a tie) or white shirt and tie with maroon jumper or cardigan. Grey or black trousers or shorts. Grey skirt or pinafore dress. Maroon/red checked gingham dress or equivalent. Grey, black or white socks or tights. Black shoes with low heels. Maroon, white, or black hair accessories

PE Dress:
Children should wear a school maroon polo shirt, black shorts and plimsolls/trainers which should be kept in a bag at school. The school positively encourages children to be barefoot for PE in the Hall. All children will need a tracksuit or warm clothing for outside PE. Children in Years 1 – 6 will need trainers for outside games. All PE bags should be taken home at half term and holidays and kit washed.

Jewellery may not be worn in school for PE. The Health and Safety Code of Practice (No. 25) September 2000 states:
The wearing of rings, earrings, watches, bracelets, and other personal adornments constitutes a hazard if worn for physical activity and must be removed by the child before the physical education lesson. Parents or children refusing to comply with these safety requirements are themselves preventing the school from delivery of the National Curriculum. During other curriculum lessons, children with pierced ears should only wear plain stud earrings and have one piercing per ear.




No extreme styles or hair colours are permitted. No lines, logos or shapes are to be cut into short hair.  Hair clips, bands can be worn to keep hair back but these should be white, black or maroon in keeping with the school uniform colours. Long hair must be tied back. No hair extensions, or purely decorative braids to be worn. 

Headscarves/Hijab These may be worn for religious reasons but must be plain and in keeping with the school colours.


Pre-Owned Uniform

The FRA (parent association) in partnership with the school arrange dates each term where previously owned uniform that is in good condition is sold for a small amount.  Dates of these events will be confirmed via the newsletter and FRA communications.