Our Ethos & Values

For full look at our Vision and Ethos Statement please click the links below.

Vision & Ethos Statement

British Values

 Christian Values

Courage, Peace, Hope, Faith, Respect, Compassion

St John’s is proud to be a Church of England Primary School and has a set of embedded Christian values that support and enrich the curriculum. These values provide a focus for worships but also for behaviours that are encouraged, supported and demonstrated in class. The Christian Values alongside the Learning Values support the Church of England’s Vision “Deeply Christian, Serving The Common Good”.


Learning Values

Confidence, Curiosity,  Collaboration, Communication,  Creativity, Commitment,  Craftsmanship

We believe in supporting and nurturing the development of every child and that all of our pupils are entitled to rich learning experiences that will enable them to be successful. St John’s encourages and works towards all pupils being independent, active learners to embed values and characteristics that will help pupils be lifelong learners. They will be ready upon leaving primary school, to be decent, well rounded young adults who can contribute to their community and have the skills and characteristics to achieve whatever they wish.