Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is allocated to children from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM) in both mainstream and non-mainstream settings and children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months

The per pupil allocations for 2024-2025 are as follows:

  • Primary Ever 6 FSM pupils £1480 (23-24 - £1455)
  • Looked After Children (LAC) £2570 (23-24 - £2530)
  • Post Looked After (Post LAC) £2570 (23-24 - £2530)
  • Service Children £340 (23-24 - £335)

The pupil premium allocation for 2024-2025 is £50,914.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement for 2024-2025

What does the school spend the pupil premium on?

At St John's the premium has been used to support the following services:

  • Education Welfare Service
  • Employing a Parent Support Adviser
  • 1 to 1 tuition for pupils
  • Supporting costs of school trips
  • Resourcing for the curriculum needs of the school and identified pupils
  • Read Write Inc intervention grouping
  • Gardening Nurture groups
  • Art Therapy Sessions
  • Play Therapy Sessions
  • Additional Planning Time for Teaching Assistant's to aid in pupil progress and planning
  • Assertive Mentoring Tutoring Sessions
  • Joint Planning sessions for job share staff
  • Subscription to some after school services for children
  • Access to Child Mental Health Services and Counselling 

Please click here to view the Pupil Premium Plan for 2023-24

Please click here to view the Pupil Premium Plan for 2022-23

Please click here to view the Pupil Premium Plan for 2021-22